Director’s Message

The privilege to serve as the Principal Advisor and Director of the Unacco Group of Schools is an honour and in so many ways humbling as we foster relationships with students and parents alike in order to create a meaningful and connected opportunity for learning. The reputation of our schools is outstanding, in every way, be it academics, CCA or Sports.
I fondly recall when the first school was inaugurated in 2011 and within a span of ten years, we could position ourselves in the international education domain having four schools offering different curricula and catering about 5400 students, out of which 380 are full-boarders. It would not have been possible without having a strong academic excellence combined with co-curricular activities and well-being of our students.
Just after COVID-19 induced pandemic in 2020, 2021 when we reopen our schools in 2022 we have received encouraging response from parents and students in large numbers, and we had to work in war-footing to accommodate more students in boarding houses. It was possible due to our meticulous planning in imparting effective online classes, process of assessment and taking care of mental health and well-being of our students, teachers and staff at the time of great uncertainty.
The combination of a talented, innovative faculty, bright. inquisitive students, a committed group of parents, and a passionate alumni base makes UNACCO Schools a great institution of learning. It also pays attention to the important things in life, not as an afterthought, but as a part of the daily routine of the school. It knows that without connecting knowledge with understanding, application, and passion, little to be gained. To this end, UNACCO School promises to prepare students to do the little things that produce the greater result.
To say that I am excited to be a part of this dynamic group is an understatement. The UNACCO has many attributes that make it the envy of other schools. One of the best campuses and facilities that few can match, a commitment to providing the best possible resources that the faculty need to make the experience of every student an optimal one, a constant desire to evolve as a school in every way-all are just part of what makes our schools, great. Ultimate~, the most important strength of the school is the people and the sense of community that they engender. I recognized that the first time I walked on the West campus at Khongman eight years ago. These people, who teach, who learn, and who make sure their children receive every advantage possible by making sacrifices to send them to UNACCO, have helped to make this community, this family, one of which to be proud.
As we embark on inaugurating our fully boarding school in January’2023 with 250 students we assure you that it would be another milestone and ensure that children will be happy, safe and excited to live and learn in our Chanug campus.
I welcome you all to let your children experience our educational practices at the UNACCO and pursue their self-shaped goals to have a life of leadership and personal fulfilment.