General Rules & Regulations
The school requires its students to conform to certain formative regulations, aims at the growth of the entire school, and more so, of the individual student. All students are governed by this code of conduct from the time they join the school till they finally leave. All students should adhere to this code faithfully at all times to maintain a very high standard of behavior and conduct in this school.
- Students are required to be present on the opening day of the school after the end of each term/long holiday (more than a week).
- All students should be smartly dressed in accordance with the school regulations, be neat and should take pride in their personal appearance.
- All students should be considerate, polite and courteous to other students particularly to the juniors.
- The School Prefects and all members of the faculty are responsible for maintenance of discipline in the school and strict compliance with all rules.
- No child is permitted to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal/Headmistress of UNACCO SCHOOL.
- Parents/guardians are not permitted to see their children or meet educators during school hours without prior appointment except in unavoidable circumstances.
- Parents are requested to write the full name of the child, the standard & the section when they communicate with the school regarding their child/children.
- Students, who come to school escorted by their parents / guardians/attendants, should arrive at the school in time. They should never leave before their attendants/guardians/escorts arrive. In case of any delay, it should be reported to the school office. For security & safety reasons, private vehicles are strictly prohibited from entering the school premises. However, the escorts should leave only after the students have entered the school premises.
- Parents/Guardians, who, on request, want to take their wards in their vehicle, must procure the gate pass from the school office and inform the class educator before leaving.
- If a student is unwell at home, he/she should not be sent to the school. In case of a student feeling unwell in the school he/ she should report the matter to the respective class educator in the study Centre, who will take him/her to the Sick Bay.
- Parents/Guardians are requested to notify the school of any change of their addresses and telephone numbers or e-mail IDs.
- Parents/Guardians are requested to sign the answer sheet for weekly tests/monthly tests, unit tests and progress reports that should be sent back to the class educator on the next working day.
- The School does not encourage students to take private tuitions as it creates a lot of confusion. However, after prior consultation with the class educator, the Principal is required to decide if the need for extra help is genuine or not.
- Every student should carry the school diary and school identity card with him/her every day.
- It is mandatory for all students to participate in all functions/ events of the school.
- Students, who give requisition for materials, must collect them during the allotted period. Things will not be issued before or after the allotted period.
- The Principal has the right to suspend or ask for withdrawal of any student without giving any reason, it felt necessary in the interest of the school. It is also hereby notified that 2 suspensions will automatically lead to an expulsion of a student.
- Parents need to visit school other than the allotted days when they are asked by the Principal/School Authority to discuss the issues relating to their children.
- Enrolment in the school implies, on the part of the pupils and parents, their willingness to comply with the rules and regulations of the school. The students should behave in a refined manner wherever they go; they should always remember that the school is bound by their conduct. Any misconduct outside the school premises, which is reported to the school authorities, will be treated as an offence and a disciplinary action will be taken as per the school rules and regulations.
- “All lasting education first begins at home”.
Parents are requested to check the school diary regularly and use it as a medium of communication to ensure transparency and to see that the instructions are properly followed by their children.